Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Week 1

Hello! Apologies, I posted that last post and then buggered off on holiday for a week.

Anyway, I just wanted to post a couple of photos of myself so that you can see the current grey levels.

A couple of qualifications:

I look like a snooty cow but I promise I'm not. It's just my face. 

My hair is actually greyer than this in my view but not showing up very well. The rest is not my natural colour. 

I didn't have that nose piercing a week ago. Must be having some sort of quarter life crisis. 

I spoke to my friend/hairdresser Archie and he suggested that I go grey gradually using highlights. I'm not 100% sure how that would work so I'll update when I know more. I'm also going to go for a consultation at Bleach London for a second opinion. 

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