Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Mothers - Who'd Have 'Em?

I saw my mother at the weekend.  Never one for dishing out compliments at the best of times, within minutes she looked at my roots and said to me 'ooooh, you need to put some colour on your hair'.  There's really no-one who can get to the crux of one's insecurities quite like one's mother.  I calmly explained that I was in fact going grey on purpose, and was growing out the grey because I was fed up of having to dye it all the time, it was damaging my hair and so on.  I stopped short of saying to her that if anyone was to blame for my premature greyness it was her and her genes ;).  We actually ended up having quite an interesting conversation about the perils of going grey (she still dyes her hair), and how when she started going grey in her early 30s she absolutely could not face it, and there was never any doubt in her mind whether to dye it or not.  I explained that I was fed up of the fact that it is such a stigma for women, and that I actually thought it would look quite nice when it had fully grown out.

I should think myself lucky really.  It was the first negative (and really not even that negative) comment that I have had about my hair, aside from my friend (who doesn't have a grey hair on her head and therefore has no idea what I am dealing with) telling me that she would rather 'grow old disgracefully'.  I am expecting more comments as the roots start to grow out further, but we shall see.

On another note, today is pretty much the two-month anniversary of the blog, so here are a couple more photos of me not smiling for your delectation:

As you can see, the roots are really starting to show through now.  I haven't done anything about trying to amalgamate the existing hair colour with the roots yet, and don't intend to for the time being.  Aside from the fact that it looks a bit untidy, I really don't mind the colour of the roots at all.  I have been trying to take good care of the condition of it to stop it looking dry - coconut oil is good for this - and it actually looks quite nice on some days.  As you can see from the top pic, they roots are considerably whiter at the front which is a bit annoying.  This seems to be a pretty common pattern for greyness.  I wonder why that is.  I am also considering having it cut a bit shorter, so watch this space...


  1. Are you me? 😄 I have the same grey pattern (snow white at the front, salt-n-pepa otherwise) and I think about the same proportion of silver vs natural. Your natural colour looks lighter than mine though, which I think will result in a nicer end result for you.
    Also, I have just had the exact same convo with my mother. 'You're far too young to let yourself go grey! Men won't fancy you anymore, they'll think you're old!' Had to point out that it's not exactly like they've been queueing around the corner while my hair was still solid brown. And yup, I am far too young and no f'ing way am I spending the next 20ish years of my life colouring my hair every other week. And my greys come from her as well, soooo... :) I think I sold her on it in the end. Showed her lots of photos of silver foxes on pinterest!
    I last dyed my hair on 21 June, already have almost 1cm of roots. Very excited. Got myself an appointment with a colourist on Sunday to see what can be done with the coloured bits to blend it in a bit, but don't hold out too much hope, I think toughing it out is the way forward. You are doing amazingly well, you've come so far already!
    I am zuzziebun from salihughes btw.
    Silver foxes unite!

    1. Hi Laruca and Fashion Limbo, thanks for commenting and for reading my blog! It's so nice to meet people that are in the same boat as me. It is hard going against the grain, but we should be proud of ourselves for refusing to do what society expects of us!

  2. Hiya, I'm fashionlimbo on SH's forum and have just discovered your blog via the going gray thread. Just a few weeks ago, I decided I would go grey, basically because I've been covering my greys for 10 years now, since my twenties, and it's getting ridiculous now. I spend so much money on my hair and I don't even like the look of it. I am worried about people's reaction, yes, especially if they assume that I am just letting myself go, or think I am too lazy to make an effort, but it's my hair, my business. It's a brave thing to do, even with how fashionable grey hair has become. I wonder how long I will be able to go without dyeing XD Loving the blog and the interviews xxx
